Our Journal Suggester uses semantic technology to help you quickly choose a journal that is right for your paper. Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text and the Springer Nature Journal Suggester provides a list of relevant journals. You can refine the results base...
我们之前已经给大家介绍了不少的选刊投稿工具了,各有各的特长,大家可以根据自己的需求进行选择,springer是我们再熟悉不过的期刊出版公司,旗下有很多牛刊,今天我们给大家介绍的就是springer推出的选刊工具,其推荐的期刊主要是springer以及BMC出版的期刊。 网址:ht...
Find the right journal to publish your research with Springer Nature’s Journal Finder. Search or browse over 3,000 journals across all our brands and discover the perfect journal to publish your work.
Find a journal Looking for a place to publish? With over 3000 journals, we cover the full range of research disciplines. Although we no longer suggest journals based on your manuscript, you can: browse our A-Z list of journals from Springer and BMC search by keyword across all Springer ...
Springer Nature journal suggester Select the journal that suits your research best from over 2,500 publications. Our Journal Suggester uses semantic technology to help you quickly choose a journal that is right for your paper. Enter your abstract, description of your research, or a sample text an...
📝Elsevier的JournalFinder,智能匹配旗下刊物,界面简洁,输入文章标题、摘要、关键词和研究领域就行;细化搜索还能按OA/非OA、审稿速度、影响因子筛选。🔍Springer的Journal suggester,主打个性化,需上传全文,还能精确查询影响因子、接受率等。🛠️Wiley的Journal Finder Beta虽是测试版,功能简单,但输入标题和摘要也能...
2、Springer Journal Suggester 网址:Springer Journal Suggester 可以搜索所有Springer和BioMed Central的刊物,显示期刊的各种计量指标也不在话下,如录用率、一审周期、是不是OA期刊等。 3、Journal Guide 网址:JournalGuide - Home 覆盖面广,提供四类搜索方式:“Paper Match”、“Journal name” 、“Publisher” 、“...
网址:https://journalsuggester.springer.com/ 首页首先是对这个网址的介绍,告知了其初衷,目标期刊的数量以及作者自主选择权利。 接下来需要做的就是把拟投SCI文章的题目,摘要分别复制粘贴至相应的框,并选择相应的专业。 最后点击Suggest journals,就会出现推荐...
1. Springer Nature期刊查找工具:Journal Suggester 施普林格∙自然拥有3000多本期刊,无论哪一研究领域,您都能找到合适您发表的期刊。通过Journal Suggester,您可以按A-Z浏览所有的Springer、BMC期刊,也可以通过输入关键词查找领域相关的Springer Nature期刊(Nature Portfolio旗下期刊除外,需移步至nature.com/siteindex)。
1. Springer Nature期刊查找工具:Journal Suggester 施普林格∙自然拥有3000多本期刊,无论哪一研究领域,您都能找到合适您发表的期刊。通过Journal Suggester,您可以按A-Z浏览所有的Springer、BMC期刊,也可以通过输入关键词查找领域相关的Springer Nature期刊(Nature Portfolio旗下期刊除外,需移步至nature.com/siteindex)。