e.Proofing provides you with an interactive XML* proof of your article, book chapter or book which allows you to enter corrections directly into the text, tables, equations or figure captions and send them back to our production department with a single click. In addition to the XML*, a PD...
For complex corrections like Table changes, figure label corrections, please use traditional method of marking the correction on the proof and fax the same. We recommend to use Internet Explorer 5 and above. Thanks and Regards, Springer Author Correction Team ...
e.Proofinge.Proofing offers an easy way for authors to make corrections to an article, book chapter or an entire book's proofs online. It speeds up the proofing process, and minimizes correction-related errors. Reducing the time it takes to correct proof allows for research to be published ...
e.Proofing provides you with an interactive XML* proof of your article, book chapter or book which allows you to enter corrections directly into the text, tables, equations or figure captions and send them back to our production department with a single click. In addition to the XML*, a PD...
Springer_e-proof_correction_help Scientific Publishing Services Proprietary ---2010-02-23 IMPORTANT Dear Authors,Please note that this module can be used only for text corrections. For complex corrections like Table changes, figure label corrections, please use traditional method of marking the cor...
e.Proofinge.Proofing offers an easy way for authors to make corrections to an article, book chapter or an entire book's proofs online. It speeds up the proofing process, and minimizes correction-related errors. Reducing the time it takes to correct proof allows for research to be published ...
1.Mainlinktoyourproof:Thislinkwillenableyoutodownloadthepageproof. 2.OnlineProofCorrectionlink:ThislinkwilltakeyoutotheOnlineProof Correctionmodule.YoucanalsosavethePDFproofforyourfuturereference. 3.SupportingDocuments:Linkstoothersupportingdocuments(formsor ...
eproof中, 我的标题的格式都不对,这个怎么修改?发自小木虫手机客户端
eproof中, 我的标题的格式都不对,这个怎么修改?发自小木虫手机客户端
论文主要贡献: 合并large scale unlabeled in-domain data, out-of-domain label data, in-domain labeled data RNN, 通过 in-domain 和 out-of-domain 学习 domain-invariant 表示,通过学习表示构造跨域 POS tagger 试图保留目标域的特性。 实验结果表明,在三个不同数据集上取得更好的性能。