It should be noted there are two distinct situations: serious scientific fraud or errors. Errors could be due to negligence (for example statistical errors) or honest errors which are part of the normal course of doing research. It is therefore important to treat potential cases with care as a...
All individuals have individual rights that are not to be infringed. Individual participants in studies have, for example, the right to decide what happens to the (identifiable) personal data gathered, to what they have said during a study or an interview, as well as to any photograph...
Benjamin, M.: A message passing system: An example of combining csp and z. In: Proc. 4th Z Users Workshop, Workshops in Computing, pp. 221–228. Springer, Heidelberg (1989) Google Scholar Blaha, M.R., Rumbaugh, J.R.: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, 2nd edn. Prentice...
For example, it is assumed that a fictional ‘person skilled in the art’ against whose level of knowledge the inventiveness or non-obviousness of a claim is to be determined, is a person of ordinary knowledge to whom even trivial developments would appear to be inventive. However, there is...
Sometimes Editors have to reject sound manuscripts for reasons other than the research’s quality; for example, the manuscript may not fit well with the journal’s aims and scope. Our free Transfer Desk service recognizes your manuscript’s scholarly merit, and offers one-on-one consultation wi...
Springer Nature is committed to advancing reproducibility and open research practices across our journals, for example by introducing standardised data sharing policies, and through support for protocol sharing. Through our editorial policies, publishing infrastructure and partnerships, we aim to drive ...
\caption{An example of review helpfulness vs. time of review.} \label{fig:timeliness} \end{figure} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 要引用图片的时候,就用 \ref{fig:timeliness}。 图片可以裁剪,用法如:\includegraphics[trim={0 4cm 0 2cm},clip,width=0.5\textwidth]{char_cate2.pdf} ...
please center the captions behveen the margins and set them in 9-point type (fig. 1 shows an example). the distance betw een text and figure should be about 8 mm, the distance behveen figure 24、 and caption about 6 ensure that the reproduction of your illustrations is of a ...
Please center the captions between the margins and set them in 9-point type (Fig. 1 shows an example). The distance between text and figure should be about 8 24、 mm, the distance between figure and caption about 6 mm.To ensure that the reproduction of your illustrations is of a ...
This is usually one of the organizers of the conference. You should make sure that the Word and the PDF files are identical and correct and that only one version of your paper is sent. It is not possible to update files at a later stage. Please note that we do not need the printed ...