Description: Parameter 0 of method springProcessEngineConfiguration in org.activiti.spring.boot.ProcessEngineAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' that could not be found. The following candidates were found but could not be injected: - Bean method 'dataSource' in 'JndiDat...
Description: Parameter 0 of method springProcessEngineConfiguration in org.activiti.spring.boot.ProcessEngineAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' that could not be found. The following candidates were found but could not be injected: - Bean method 'dataSource' in 'JndiDat...
springboot2整合activiti7后启动报错: Parameter 0 of method processEntryDeployer in org.activiti.application.conf.ApplicationProcessAutoConfiguration required a bean of type ‘org.activiti.engine.RepositoryService’ that could not be found. 好像是RepositoryService不能注入 iambenben 2020-08-26 16:09:22 源...