spring mass system 弹簧质量系统 mass spring system 质量弹簧系统 mass spring dashpot system 质量弹簧阻尼器体系 single mass system 单体系 mass memory system 大容量存储系统 mass storage system 【计】 大容量存储系统; 海量存储系统 Mass Storage System 海量存储器系统(=MSS) spring injection sys...
模拟物体变形最简单的方法就是采用弹簧质点系统(Spring-Mass System),由于模型简单并且实用,它已被广泛应用于服饰、毛发以及弹性固体的动态模拟。对于三角网格而言,弹簧质点系统将网格中的顶点看作系统中的质点,而网格的边则是连接这些质点的弹簧。这样,弹簧质点系统模型就将物体简化成由弹簧和质点组成的系统,并利用弹簧...
网格弹簧质点系统模拟(Spring-Mass System by Euler Integration) 弹簧质点模型是利用牛顿运动定律来模拟物体变形的方法。如下图所示,该模型是一个由m×n个虚拟质点组成的网格,质点之间用无质量的、自然长度不为零的弹簧连接。其连接关系有以下三种: 1.连接质点[i, j]与[i+1,j],[i, j]与[i,j+1]的弹簧,...
1) spring-mass system 弹簧-质点系统 1. Membrane surface flattening algorithm based onspring-mass system; 基于弹簧-质点系统的薄膜结构曲面展开算法 2. Let (λ,x) be an eigenpair of a simply connectedspring-mass system. 设(λ,x)为简单连接弹簧-质点系统的一个特征对。
The single degree-of-freedom system subject to mass and base excitation is used to model an elastic system to determine the frequency-domain effects of squeeze film air damping and viscous fluid damping. This model is also used to determine the important response characteristics of electrostatic ...
The system can be used to study the response of most dynamic systems. An example of this system is shown in Fig. 5.1. When the spring is compressed by an external force, it stores potential energy, which is then released onto the mass. When the spring's energy is released, the spring...
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1. Real and Unequal Roots.两个不相等的实根; This is the case whenb2>4mk; that is, friction dominates阻尼主导, and sluggish behavior results. This response is called overdamped.过阻尼 过阻尼: 物体与地面接触力的KD模型,应该过阻尼状态才可以(20200426) ...
Learn the definition of Spring mass system and browse a collection of 51 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
这个程序是一个质量弹簧系统的实现。 弹簧是根据胡克定律建模的。 弹簧力的衰减与压缩/拉伸的速度成正比。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 微信小程序插件使用指南:深度解析与实践案例 2025-02-05 04:09:15 积分:1 MATLAB工具箱培训教程.pptx 2025-02-04 23:26:17 ...