@RequestMapping("/change") public String changeCron(@RequestParam int fixedRate) { stopCron();// 先停止,再开启. future = threadPoolTaskScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TestRunnable(),fixedRate); System.out.println("TaskController.changeCron()"); return "change"; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....
It's almost spring, the time of year when the change in seasons could lead to some pretty fascinating cloud activity in the sky. NASA and the GLOBE Program are inviting you to take part in a citizen science cloud observation challenge. The GLOBE Program is an international science and educat...
@Configuration public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { LocaleChangeInterceptor interceptor = new LocaleChangeInterceptor(); interceptor.setParamName("lang"); registry.addInterceptor(interceptor); } @Bean LocaleResolver localeResol...
What time does the time change? The time changed at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10. Daylight saving time always begins on the second Sunday of March, and ends on the first Sunday of November. Daylight saving time will be in effect until Nov. 3, 2024, when clocks "fall back." ...
@Field(value= "create_time", type = FieldType.Date, format =DateFormat.epoch_millis)privateDate createTime; 3、my exception Unable to convert value '2022-05-23 14:49:24' to java.util.Dateforproperty 'createTime' 4、my change @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone ...
您可以通过将LocaleChangeInterceptor添加到其中一个 HandlerMapping定义来启用语言环境的更改。 它会检测请求中的参数并相应地更改语言环境,在程序的应用程序上下文中调用 LocaleResolver 上的setLocale方法。 下一个示例显示,当调用包含名为 siteLanguage的参数的所有*.view资源时更改了区域设置。 例如,对URL的请求 [http...
("/change")publicStringchangeCron(@RequestBody String cron){cronStr=cron;// 先停止,在开启stopCron();future=threadPoolTaskScheduler.schedule(newMyRunnable(),newTrigger(){@OverridepublicDatenextExecutionTime(TriggerContext triggerContext){returnnewCronTrigger(cronStr).nextExecutionTime(triggerContext);}}...
To review a list of application logs from Azure Spring Apps, sorted by time with the most recent logs shown first, run the following query in the Search box: query Copy azure_log_forwarder.resource_type : "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring" Show specific log types from Azure Spring Apps To ...