privatejava.util.Date semesterBeginDate; /** * 学期结束日期 */ @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd",timezone ="GMT+8") privatejava.util.Date semesterEndDate; /** * 校历说明 */ privatejava.lang.String semesterRemark; /** * 排序号 */ privatejava.lang.Integer semesterSortNum; /** * 创建...
timezone = "GMT+8")private java.util.Date semesterEndDate;/** * 校历说明 */ private java.lang.String semesterRemark;/** * 排序号 */ private java.lang.Integer semesterSortNum;/** * 创建⼈ */ private java.lang.String creator;/** * 创建时间 */ private java.util.Date createTime;...
insetSql.append(" ('"+ originalTableName +"', '"+ newTableName +"', '"+ startDate +"', '"+ endDate +"'); "); jdbcTemplate.execute(insetSql.toString()); } /** * 获取当前分表表名 */ public List<String> getShardTableName(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,String shardTableRecordName,Str...
January 15th, 2025 Registration date: in the end of February Placement test date: in the end of February 3. Costs Tuition: RMB 9000 per semester Books: RMB 300 per semester Registration fee: RMB 400 Insurance fee: RMB ...
Summer semester - The Summer semester is usually three months long, starting in May and going on until the end of August. The Summer semester is often optional for candidates and is generally used by candidates to do internships and other jobs to aid them in their education. Students may al...
create table scc_choose_round(id int not nullprimary key,semester int null,round_no tinyint null,start_time datetime null,end_time datetime null,tips varchar(255) null,create_time datetime null,update_time datetime null)comment '选课轮次表';create table scc_class(id int not nullprimary key,...
Well, we’ve come full circle. I AM alone in a hotel room in Madrid ready to catch my early flight back to the world. There is a wedding reception going on outside my window and they apparently hired a flamenco band. We’ll see how much sleep I get. Toledo decided to have one of...
The University of Richmond will delay commencement, move to remote instruction and shift to remote work for employees for the rest of the spring semester.
To be eligible for theSpring Season, a student must be passing 12.5% of the State requirements or 6 credits at the conclusion of the first semester. The Fall Season is August 16 - January 15 and theSpring Seasonis January 16 – June 30.a) COMPETITION LIMITSDuring the ICSA Competition Year...
Spring Only. Theduration of this contractis for thespring semesterof 2012 commencing four daysprior to thestart of classes and ending eightdays afterMay Graduation of the same year; or for anyprorated portionsthereof, in the eventthe STUDENTends the occupancy at adate priorto the end of the...