Certain Spring exceptions are automatically mapped to specific HTTP statuscodes. An exception can be annotated with @ResponseStatus to map it to an HTTP status code. A method can be annotated with @ExceptionHandler to handle the exception. 一、利用HTTP status codes的便利性 1.让...
{ "status":500,"message":"org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 3 errors\nField error in object 'validVO' on field 'name': rejected value [null]; codes [,,,NotBlank]; arguments [
Ofcourse, you can use raw servlet api HttpServletResponse, @RequestMapping("test") public void test(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.setStatus(10000); // http status code 10000(NOT EXISTS) response.flushBuffer(); } But is's not recommend to use a HTTP status code ...
配置:- SetStatus=401 说明:当前响应的状态码为401 实现类:SetStatusGatewayFilterFactory 代码创建 setStatus(int status)或setStatus(HttpStatus status)或setStatus(String status) 25. SaveSession(保存Session) 说明:保存Session会话信息 配置:- SaveSession ...
6.24 SetStatus GatewayFilter Factory(演示) 接收一个参数status,必须是一个可用的SpringHttpStatus值,可用是整数或者枚举字符串。 Example 50. application.yml 该示例,将HTTP status响应头设置为401。 使用SetStatus可以在响应中返回代理请求中的原始Http 状态码。如下配置,将header添加到响应中。
另外请注意:@ResponseStatus**标注在异常类上此处理器才会处理,而不是标注在处理方法上,或者所在类上哦,所以一般用于自定义异常时使用**。 DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver 默认的异常处理器。它能够处理标准的Spring MVC异常们,并且把它转换为对应的HTTP status codes,一般作为兜底处理,Spring MVC默认也注册了此处理器...
实现原理: RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor 实现 ClientHttpRequestInterceptor 通过拦截器实现 配置 注意: - ribbon.ConnectTimeout+ribbon.ReadTimeout<hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds - 连接失败的意思是服务宕机,请求不可到达, 并不是服务报错 ...
According to the HTTP specification, the HTTP response status can be any 3-digit integer. In Spring Framework, the HTTP status codes are enumerated in HttpStatus. Because this type is a Java enum, we need to have workarounds to allow for...