November 13, 2022, OPEN HOUSE at our new location: 2827 Highland Avenue South, on Birmingham’s Southside, 35205. Free event, open to the public, light refreshments and preview of newest publication, yet to be released, Birmingham’s Dynamite Hill February 16, 2022, 10AM and 6PM: Olmsted...
the first line of treatment is usually surgery to remove the tumor in the kidney. In addition, doctors could treat the tumor with a systematic anti-cancer therapy. The treatments themselves can and often do cause difficult side effects, as therapies can harm healthy cells and can disrupt normal...
On Tuesday we will finish looking at the Libyan Arab Foreign Bank Case (in Materials Packet 3:Syndicated Loans 1). Then please readGerald Corrigan’s testimony before the UK House of Commons Treasury Committee on February 22. I am asking you to read this at this point partly because Gerald ...
On Jan. 9, Dr. Frank Jobe performed surgery in which he re-routed the ulnar nerve in Howe’s elbow. “We had to take it out of the groove where there was a lot of scarring tissue and place it in front of the bone,” Jobe said. “We had to elevate the muscle in order to get...
The first year she lived in a house on campus near the water, where she and her fellow graduate students could see the lights of all the buildings at night. “My classmates and I felt like we were at Hogwarts, this magical science camp,” she said. ...