In reality, your specific dates will depend on which college you’re studying at. For example, at Boston University, the break will last from March 8 to March 16; at Oklahoma State University, it will occur from March 15 to March 23. Check the dates on your academic calendar; you don’...
Oklahoma: Roy Rogers It doesn't get much more Oklahoman than Roy Rogers. Known as The King of Cowboys, the legend was married at the Flying L Ranch in Davis. According to Taste of Home,Rogers did not drink alcohol, so the mocktail after his name contains only grenadine, Cola, and a ...
In this reflection on true love and destiny, Serle waves her paintbrush in the swirls of romantic love to craft an immersive, thought-provoking good time. 'Wandering Stars' by Tommy Orange An enrolled member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, Tommy Orange received the 2019 America...
Interested in a Marketplace Events show? Be sure to reserve your exhibit space early, as many shows sell out and maintain waiting lists thereafter.