1 of 3 main parts of the spring version of the Golden Bonnie costume. Thanks to spring lock technologies, it was possible to create a suit that can work separately (on the endoskeleton) and directly (on a person). The body of the suit is a combination of several separate pieces of met...
FNAF 3 Springtrap Drawing Cooldud111 1210 MrLuckyCreeper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mrluckycreeper/art/Plushtrap-Quick-Headshot-560915186MrLuckyCreeper Plushtrap Quick Headshot MrLuckyCreeper 237 Cooldud111 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cooldud111/art/Springtrap-Spring-Bonnie-...