Starting from Spring 2.5, it became possible to configure the dependency injection using annotations. So instead of using XML to describe a bean wiring, we can move the bean configuration into the component class itself by using annotations on the relevant class, method, or field declaration. An...
Spring makes it very easy to create RESTful web APIs. It provides annotations to develop the controller layer that handles web requests and responses. Annotations like @RestController and @RequestMapping are used to map URLs to controller methods. @RequestBody annotation allows accessing request body ...
The@SpringBootApplicationis in fact combination of@Configuration,@ComponentScanand@EnableAutoConfigurationannotations. You can also check Spring Boot MasterClass to learn more about this annotation and it's used. Also, this Spring Boot question was recently asked to one of my friends in his la...
Thebeantag has two important attributes (init-methodanddestroy-method) with which you can define your own custom initialization and destroy methods. There are also the correspondive annotations(@PostConstructand@PreDestroy). 37. What are inner beans in Spring? When a bean is only used as a pro...
Spring 2.5 introduces further stereotype annotations: @Component, @Service, and @Controller. @Component is a generic stereotype for any Spring-managed component. package com.altafjava.bean; @Component public class MyBean { public MyBean() { System.out.println("Constructor will execute"); } } ...
We recommend using JPA annotations as we are not tied to Hibernate as implementation. Later (I know - <1% Chance), we can use another JPA implementation. Q : In which layer, should the boundary of a transaction start? We recommend managing transactions in the Service layer. Logic for busin...
1. Creation an initialization of application text inside configuration metadata( can be specified in XML, java code,annotations) is done. This describes all the beans. 2. For each bean, its dependency is expressed in the form of properties, constructor arguments, or ... 谈谈自己对于 Spring IoC 和 AOP 的理解 IoC IoC(Inverse of Control:控制反转)是一种设计思想,就是将原本在程序中手动创建对象的控制权,交由Spring框架来管理。IoC 在其他语言中...
Question: Which are the Java and Jakarta EE standards supported in Spring Boot 3 ? Spring boot 3 relies on the Spring framework version 6. Therefore, you need a Java 17+ and supports Jakarta EE 9+ . Questions and Answers about Annotations ... 谈谈自己对于 Spring IoC 和 AOP 的理解 IoC IoC(Inverse of Control:控制反转)是一种设计思想,就是将原本在程序中手动创建对象的控制权,交由Spring框架来管理。IoC 在其他语言中...