Spread Spectrum Modulation 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: Chapter 7Spread Spectrum Modulation7.1 IntroductionInthetechniqueofspreadspectrum,thefrequencyspectrumofadata-signal(shadedin Fig. 7.1) is spread (non-shaded) using a code uncorrelated with that signal. As aresult the bandwidth occupancy is much ...
Unit7SpreadSpectrumModulation 7.1Text ••7.1.1SpreadSpectrumSignalsforDigitalCommunicationSpreadspectrumsignalsusedforthetransmissionofdigitalinformationaredistinguishedbythecharacteristicthattheirbandwidthismuchgreaterthantheinformationrateinbits/s.Thatis,thebandwidthexpansionfactorforaspreadspectrumsignalismuchgreater...
Chapter 7 Spread-Spectrum Modulation
SpreadSpectrumModulation 7.1Introduction Inthetechniqueofspreadspectrum,thefrequencyspectrumofadata-signal(shaded inFig.7.1)isspread(non-shaded)usingacodeuncorrelatedwiththatsignal.Asa resultthebandwidthoccupancyismuchhigherthanrequired[4]. Thecodesusedforspreadinghavelowcross-correlationvaluesandareunique ...
Spread Spectrum Modulation - A collective class of signaling techniques are employed before transmitting a signal to provide a secure communication, known as the Spread Spectrum Modulation. The main advantage of spread spectrum communication technique is
A spread spectrum modulation system uses an input signal and a spreading signal for modulating the input signal. The spreading signal includes a plurality of component signals spaced apart substantially equally in frequency and with substantially equal amplitudes. Each component signal is phase encoded ...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To efficiently transmit a multi-valued digital signal by a simple circuit in a spread spectrum modulation/demodulation system.收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 文库来源 求助全文 SPREAD SPECTRUM MODULATIONDEMODULATION SYSTEM 优质文献 ...
Spread Spectrum modulation is interesting and important in terms of security, in terms of bandwidth utilization and in terms of distortion (or noise) avoidance. In the present chapter, the scheme of spread spectrum modulation is discussed in detail. The concept of Pseudo Random Noise, justification...
Fig. 7. Spread Spectrum Modulation 6.1.1 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) DSSS is the most fundamental form of spread spectrum techniques. In this type, the message or signal wave is spread by modulation using a wide band code known as the Pseudo Noise (PN) code. This PN code consi...
Spread spectrum techniques, which are included in this chapter, areSpread spectrum modulation|textbf techniques by which a digital signal generated with a particular bandwidth is deliberately spread in the frequency domain, which gives the set of techniq