复习提纲Chapter 7 Spread-Spectrum Modulation讲解学习.ppt,* * 期末考试 考试时间:2013年6月26日下午 答疑时间: 另行通知 期末考试 *考试形式:闭卷、英文试卷、英文答题 *试题类型:判断题 填空题 综合题 *成绩构成:平时成绩10%、期末考试90% *平时成绩:出勤、
展頻技術(SpreadSpectrum) 展頻技術的無線局域網絡產品是依據FCC(FederalCommunicationsCommittee﹔美國聯邦通訊委員會)規定的ISM(IndustrialScientific,andMedical)頻率範圍開放在902M~928MHz及2.4G~2.484GHz兩個頻段﹐所以並沒有所謂使用授權的限制。展頻技術主要又分為「跳頻技術」及「直接序列」兩種方式。 跳頻...
SPREAD-SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS By DONTORRIERI Springer Contents Preface 1ChannelCodes 1.1BlockCodes xi ErrorProbabilitiesforHard-DecisionDecoding 1 1 6 ErrorProbabilitiesforSoft-DecisionDecoding CodeMetricsforOrthogonalSignals MetricsandErrorProbabilitiesforMFSKSymbols ChernoffBound 1.2ConvolutionalCodesandTrellis...
Unit_7_spread_spectrum_modulation[1]Unit7SpreadSpectrumModulation 7.1Text ••7.1.1SpreadSpectrumSignalsforDigitalCommunicationSpreadspectrumsignalsusedforthetransmissionofdigitalinformationaredistinguishedbythecharacteristicthattheirbandwidthismuchgreaterthantheinformationrateinbits/s.Thatis,thebandwidthexpansion...
spread spectrum communication 英 [spred ˈspektrəm kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [spred ˈspektrəm kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]网络 扩展频谱通信; 扩展频谱通信技术; 扩频通信;...
Spread spectrum communications system A spread spectrum communication system for direct sequence transmission of digital information having a modulation format which is particularly suitable for indoor communication within residential, office and industrial structures. The m... A Partyka,LF Crowley 被引量:...
Spread-spectrum communication system uses the spread-spectrum function to implement spectra expanding. The typical spread-spectrum function is pseudo-noise sequence code. The practical pseudo-noise sequence code must have the quality of randomness and sharp autocorrelation,little cross correlation value and...
In one spread spectrum communication system, the base station transmits the channel using a from the base station continuously send a predetermined PN code synchronization channel (from the synchronization pilot channel generator block is generated), a respective base station continuously send a ...
Increase bandwidth (wideband circuitry, channel model for wideband systems behaves different over frequency) Increase complexity Back to top References [1] G. L. Stüber, “Principles of mobile communication,” Kluwer Academic, Boston 1996.
Spread Spectrum was developed as a way to secure military communications by spreading the signal over a large frequency band. Learn more at ni.com.