Many fungicide applications begin during the tasseling or pollinating stage. Read more about the importance of aerial application on corn in this magazine on page 15.Lindsay BarberAgricultural Aviation
Applying Fungicide on Corn Increases Yields up to 16.5 bu/ac While herbicides are generally part of a corn producer’s crop protection plan during the growing season, fungicides provide opportunities for prote... More Blogs About Us America's full-service commercial & Spraying drone experts. Our...
A wetter-than-normal growing season produced a bumper crop of yield and disease in 2013. While fungicide application provided an economic return for many growers, there are limitations on when to stop fungicide application. Part of the decision is timing, and part is related to label restrictions...
“When you start talking about general things like weed resistance or a quality fungicide application — and you’re talking larger droplet size — at the end of the day, it’s like using a rifle to shoot a duck. We’re shooting with a shotgun,” he says. He points to Palmer amaranth...
Beluga Drop Hoses in Corn This excellent article from Sprayers 101 covers the installation and configuration of the Beluga HoseDrop system. Results show reduced disease in the canopy, which lead to better yields verses overhead spraying as well as the control. ...
THE STUDY ON THE CONTROL OF SOYBEAN FROG EYE SPOT BY USING A NEW FORMULATION OF FUNGICIDE 40% CARBENDAZIN COLIOID SOLUTION The control of Frog eye leaf spot in the soybean fields of varieties Hefeng 25 and Suinong 4 on 1,006,800 mu by spraying 40 gram per mu of effective ingred......