Pepper spray is not lethal and will not cause long term injuries to people or animals.It will only temporarily disable the attacking animal or human. Human pepper spray can still get an instant response in animals and the range is still adequate enough for you to stay safe (between 8 and ...
If you are searching for the best pepper spray for your protection you have come to the right place. We have you covered! Pepper sprayis one of the most commonly carriednon-lethalself-defense products in use by professionals. Police officers, military, security guards and even normal everyday...
This very effective spray by NaturVet can work indoors and outdoors.Though we like this for puppies, it is safe for pets of any age. NaturVet contains a unique, attractive scent that encourages canines to urinate. Spritz the spot you want dogs to use regularly to direct them to that area....
We would never want our dogs & cats to struggle with fungal infections. Dogs and Cat may face symptoms such as itching, redness, and scaly patches, particularly in areas prone to moisture like the face, paws, and ears. Factors such as excessive s...
Spray deterrent for bears is quite like pepper spray, in fact, you could go as far as to say that it is a special type of pepper spray designed to work against bears. This is intended to deter the bear from attacking you while you’re out in the wild. It is not supposed to inflict...
This spicy product has been formulated from pepper extracts and is suited for aggressive pups. It is applied directly in the attacking pet’s face. There is no likelihood of harming the charging pet, but instead, it leads to irritation for a small period of time. The animal will feel scare...
For all of these reasons, whenever you use OC spray on an assailant who is coming toward you, you should immediately jump or dodge to the side, getting outside your attacker’s “lunge zone” as quickly as humanly possible. Then keep going. If possible, don’t simply run from danger, ...
Keep in mind that more people have been killed or injured in car crashes, flight seeing crashes, drowning, ice cave roof collapses, by dogs, and other activities than by bears. Our fellow humans are more dangerous to us than the wildlife is. And even with wild life, I’ll take my chan...