CFD computational fluid dynamics VOF volume of fluid SMD Sauter mean diameter VMD volume median diameter ANN artificial neural network IEC indirect evaporative cooler HAS high alcohol surfactant SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide VSFEC vacuum spray flash evaporation cooling NPCMS...
which the user predicted the drift potential by inputting pesticide, aircraft type, weather condition, etc., into the system. In recent years, the computational fluid dynamics simulation method has also been gradually applied to the drift prediction of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sprayer. ...
the tablet appears totally disintegrated at the end of the permeation experiments and additionally the disintegration process begins instantly as soon as the formulation is put into contact with the donor fluid; the RSV-B formulation allows high RSV concentration in the donor compartment, thus contrast...
The starting positions of the relatively large and stable cavitation clouds on the wall can be predicted well. However, the size of the cavitating area, unsteady string cavitation or film cavitation are not yet predicted with these models. Detailed measurements on high pressure conditions are needed...