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Home»CATALOG»products products OUR YOUTUBE WE POST “HOW TO” VIDEOS ALL THE TIME!! NEWSLETTER! * Your Email Address: * Preferred Format:HTMLText First Name: Last Name: * Enter the security code shown:
If you've ever had to deal with a nest in your yard, you know that it's best to spray in the evening, when these insects are less active. This is partly so they won't dive-bomb your head as you attempt to wipe out their home and family, but it's also for efficiency, since ...
Looking for a natural DIY bug spray recipe that will not leave you soaked in toxic chemicals (…who needs that!??) AND actually works? Here is where I would usually go into my spiel about individual ingredients in products that make them bad for us. I think that I can skip that with...
Yes, I know they have a purpose in the circle of life, but since I do not have a bunch of bats hanging out in my yard to eat them up, I have no personal use for them. Overall I stay away from putting any harsh chemicals directly on my skin. I do not like the way they smell...
How do I use Advantage® Household Spot & Crevice Spray How does flea spray work, like Advantage® Household Spot & Crevice Spray, to control fleas, ticks, bed bugs and other household pests? Where in my home can I use Advantage® Household Spot & Crevice Spray? SEE ALL FAQ'S ...
In the late summer and fall, inspect the yard. Remove boards, boxes and other clutter where stink bugs could hide during the winter. Move firewood away from the house and stack it on a rack. Trim weeds and grass, even around fences and drainage ditches. These steps will help ensure that...
appliance for plants protection, it doesn’t cause any discomfort or inconvenience while in use. All you need to get down to work is to take a sprayer on your back and pull its trigger. With this garden equipment at hand, you’ll keep your yard, garden or even field well-groomed and ...
JAPANESE BEETLE YARD SPRAY So when Japanese Beetles are active, its important to spray the plants where they are nesting and mating. OurPROTHORis best as a foliage spray and systemic providing several months of protection when applied quarterly throughout the year. ...
Lightingcitronella candlesaround your yard Avoiding being outside at dawn or dusk Using a vet-approved, pet-safe insect repellent Mosquito repellents for dogs While you should always get permission from your veterinarian before using a mosquito repellent on your dog, Dr. Burch and LaRock gave thei...