You can make a simple bug spray for plants withdish soap. In a container with a lid, pour 1 quart of water and add 1 tsp. of Ivorydish soapor Murphy's Oil Soap and 1 tbsp. of vegetable oil. Put the lid on the container and shake it to mix the ingredients well. Pour the homem...
Bugs are gonna find a way into our homes, it's just a fact of life. That may not be a big deal for some of us, but it can be a very big deal for those who have plants in their home. Protecting indoor plants presents a bit of a challenge, especially if you have kiddos running...
Spotted hovering along deck rails or under house eaves, an all too familiar pest returns in the spring. Often mistaken for bumble bees, carpenter bees can be distinguished by their smooth and shiny-black abdomens. Although the males have no stingers, they aggressively patrol the area around the...
any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections.We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.insecto insecticide(inˈsektisaid)noun a substance (usuallyin powder or liquid form) for killing insects.insecticida ...
Use the Maxxthor for this application. If you’re up high in an apartment building, reach out every window you can and treat with one of the aerosols listed below. Since level three infestations mean the mites are living in the siding and/or the walls of the house, the level of ...
For organic gardeners, protect plants withMULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLERwhich is approved for use on organic gardens. Mix 6 oz per gallon of water and look to get 1-2 weeks of residual. The good news is you can spray this active daily if needed. Multipurpose Insect Killer can be sprayed over...
With 3 kids and a dog, I have a full house but when the warmer months arrive and schools out, you can imagine what it’s like! Coincidentally, it’s also an active time for bug infestations, so powering up with Zevo is a must!
Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap is designed for body washing but is also an eliminator of garden pests. Find out how to start using a Castile soap spray for garden!
To stop the invasions, spray Maxxthor EC on the homes exterior. Inside the home, go with FS MP Aerosol and Multipurpose to keep them under control. In some cases, dusting with Xempt D will be needed for wall voids, crawl spaces or attics. Stink bugs are persistent and smelly so keepi...