Spray Poly Parts is the one-stop shop for all of your professional spray foam and polyurea coating needs. We have a wide selection of products to include customized mobile spray rigs, foam and coating reactors, spray guns, transfer pumps, safety equipmen
Spray Expanding Foam Gun工程专用金属发泡胶枪 泡沫填缝胶枪义乌批发找货,源头货源。价格:¥3.85,重量:5kg/个 装箱信息:长宽高:30X20X10 装箱重量:10KG 装箱数量:24pcs
通用型不锈钢枪式发泡枪 聚氨酯补缝剂填缝枪 SPRAY FOAM GUN 投诉 价格: 起购量: ¥ 3.25 ≥1000个 货号/型号 Foam gun 可售数量 按订单加工 发货地 浙江省,金华市 发往 浙江 快递¥999.00起 数量 单价 合计(不含运费) 我要买: × 3.25 = 3.25 加入购物车 立即购买 服务保障: ·24小时内发货 ·支...
厂家发泡枪聚氨酯泡沫喷枪spray foam gun 发泡剂枪 发泡填缝枪 杭州海实科技有限公司 10年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 浙江 杭州市江干区 ¥61.75 spray gun 喷漆枪 喷枪 义乌市友智五金有限公司 16年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 浙江 金华市 ¥1800.00 p2聚氨酯喷枪 1:1双组份喷涂原料胶枪 工厂出...
发泡胶枪喷头泡沫扇形喷嘴 聚氨酯喷涂胶嘴填缝Spray foam gun 杭州泽清供应链有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 浙江 杭州市 ¥3.51 香水分装瓶便携式玻璃香水瓶按压喷雾瓶 spray perfume bottle 柴桑区茗纳贸易商行(个体工商户)1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
Graco manufactures the widest range of top-quality spray foam guns available today. From the ever popular Fusion AP to the revolutionary Fusion ProConnect, Graco offers spray foam guns that can tackle any application or environment you can throw at them.
Air, Liquid & Mechanical Purge Spray Foam Insulation Guns Air Purge Guns When the trigger is released, a blast of compressed air flows through the gun, blowing out any residual chemical from the mix chamber. Fusion ProConnect Fusion Air Purge ...
Profoam is the #1 Spray Foam Supplier. Find the best Spray Foam Rigs, Trailers, and Insulation Equipment to make your spray foam business succeed.
Check out the top-selling PMC spray foam machines, rigs and equipment offered by Intech and learn about the various types of SPF equipment available.
Somgmile 28/410 plastic trigger sprayer pump pesticide plastic trigger spray gun foam trigger sprayer Product Description NINGBO SONGMILE PACKAGING Co., Ltd. founded in 2014, is specializing in spray packing and cosmetic packing, our main products ar...