Ocena sprawozdania Komisji Europejskiej: Kontrola stosowania prawa Unii Europejskiej. Sprawozdanie roczne za rok 2019doi:10.31268/ZPBAS.2021.29The author points out that, in the light of the information contained in the report, negative developments include the fact that a relativ...
RESPONDENTSGOVERNMENT regulationMODIFICATIONSThe paper concerns the financial statements of foundations which do not perform business activity. The regulations of this reporting have undergone significant modifications in recent years. The aim of the article is to assess change...
Uyteczno sprawozdania finansowego na dzień poprzedzajcy ogoszenie upadoci przedsibiorstwa.The article is devoted to the issue of utility of financial statement on the day preceding the announcement of bankruptcy. It points out the fundamental problems arising from the fact of using the Law ...