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Similar improvements in the injection group were observed for pain scores and the SPPB subcomponents such as the 4-m walk test, chair stand time, and balance score. Comparatively, no statistically significant improvements were observed in the medication group.Summary Lumbar ESIs improved objective ...
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2015–2016 Normative Data for the 3-m Usual Walk, Five Repeated Chair Stands, and Static Balance Components of the SPPB Among U.S. Older Adults Across Two Nationally Representative Data Sets: NSHAP and NHATSdoi:10.1093/geronb/gbab135Balance...
2015–2016 Normative Data for the 3-m Usual Walk, Five Repeated Chair Stands, and Static Balance Components of the SPPB Among U.S. Older Adults Across Two Nationally Representative Data Sets: NSHAP and NHATSMegan Huisingh-Scheetz, MD, MPH...
Similar improvements in the injection group were observed for pain scores and the SPPB subcomponents such as the 4-m walk test, chair stand time, and balance score. Comparatively, no statistically significant improvements were observed in the medication group. Lumbar ESIs improved objective physical ...
Moreover, there is a need for ICF-based assessments instruments (especially in the activities and participation components) that allow a holistic view on mobility and further daily life-relevant health aspects in geriatric patients.doi:10.1186/s12877-022-03358-zKudelka, Jennifer...
Poor performance on the SPPB and on each of its 3 components independently predicted higher fall risk in the first year. After 4 years, the low total baseline SPPB [rate ratio (RR) 1.53, confidence interval (CI) 1.09-2.17] and gait time performances (RR 1.61, CI 1.07-2.41) predicted ...