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插单2024秋 JDY-34 SPP-C主机主机双模蓝牙模块 打印机蓝牙 支持多机连接 阿里巴巴旗下平台 海量工厂资源 品质、交期、资金 全程服务保障 阿里巴巴旗下平台 首页厂长在线以款找厂品牌代工厂 电子模块的功能和用途 电子模块图片大全 电子模块组装 电子模块是什么...
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Ridolfi, C. Puccio, M. Cavallo, and G. de Manzoni Institution: General and Upper GI Surgery, University of Verona Background The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of PIPAC in combination with systemic chemotherapy as bidirectional approach for gastric cancer patients with peritoneal ...
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Macropods, which include kangaroos and wallabies, are herbivorous marsupials in the superfamily Macropodoidea within the order Diprotodontia. The regular macropod dentition varies across species, and the dental formula is I 3/1, C 0–1/0, PM 1–2/1–2, M 4/4, reflecting adaptation to a ...
planirostris (3), Carollia brevicauda (2), C. benkeithi (1), C. perspicillata (17), Chiroderma villosum (1), Glossophaga soricina (1), Lasiurus blossevillii (1), Phyllostomus discolor (4), P. elongatus (1), P. hastatus (3), Rhinophylla fischerae (4), Sturnira tildae (1)...
Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) data have shown that concentrations of C. finmarchicus along the southern fringe of the Labrador Sea are amongst the highest in the North Atlantic. The same records also show that concentrations of C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis are generally higher in the ...