The potential role of gibbons as a reservoir for GALV and the role of GALV as an epizoonotic-zoonotic agent or as a contributor to gibbon ape morbidity and mortality are not substantiated by the study findings.Siegal-Willott, Jessica L.Jensen, NathanielKim, DavidTaliaferro, DwayneBlankenship, ...
Corresponding motif in BADHsc Proposed role of motifd Positionc 1 5 [Past]-[WFy]-[Ne]-[FYgalv]-[Ptl] PWNYP Most conserved motif. Con- tains an asparagine (N) near- est to the catalytic thiol and is proposed to stabilize the carbonyl oxygen of the aldehyde substrate during catalysis....
This method was based on the use of the Central Limit Theorem to providedoi:10.1007/s11947-017-1939-7Robazza, Weber da SilvaTeleken, Jhony TiagoGalv?o, Alessandro CazonattoMiorelli, SuzaneStolf, Denise OrtigosaSpringer USFood & Bioprocess Technology...
Valiante, D.; Sirtori, I.; Cossa, S.; Corengia, L.; Pedretti, M.; Cavallaro, L.; Vignoli, L.; Galvagni, A.; Gomarasca, S.; Pesce, G.R.; et al. Environmental impact of strawberry production in Italy and Switzerland with different cultivation practices. Sci. Total Environ. 2019...