the former spouse of a service member as a dependent. This means that following divorce, the former spouse can qualify to continue receiving some military benefits. Qualification generally depends on how long the marriage lasted and how long the service member was in the military during the ...
Scholarships for Military Dependent Children Psychology Scholarships List About the author Julie Provost + posts Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys. Tagged:Military SpouseScholarships...
& AnswersQ: What changed for DOD with the Court's decision?The Supreme Court's ruling means that the Defense Department will extend benefits, including medical, dental, burial at Arlington National Cemetery, and with-dependent Basic Allowance for Housing to same-sex spouses of military personnel....
Pentagon Extends Military Spouse Benefits to Same-Sex Married CouplesThe Pentagon announced Wednesday that it will now extendbenefits, including health insurance and...Mulrine, Anna
Children’s benefits are dependent on family circumstances: If there is an eligible surviving spouse and eligible children, each child under the age of 18 is eligible to receive $336.32 per month. Each unmarried child between 18 and 23 years old who is enrolled in a qualified school program ...
Can My Foreign Spouse Claim Social Security Survivor Benefits? Yes. If you pass away, your foreign spouse can claim Social Security survivor benefits. To be eligible, you and your spouse must have been married for at least nine months. (Unless you were to die during active military duty, in...
Byline: CAROLE FADER You're the civilian wife of a Navy officer stationed in Jacksonville...Fader, Carole
College Scholarships for Wounded Warriors, Military Spouses and Dependents of Disabled Veterans Non-profits, universities, states, and businesses recognize the unique challenges faced by disabled veterans. These organizations honor the service and sacrifice of disabled and deceased veterans, as well as the...
Surviving military spouses may be eligible for a VA home loan if they have not remarried and: Their spouse died in the service or from a service-related disability.
Military spousemeans a person who is married to a military service member. Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefitmeans the benefit set forth in Article 6. Beneficiarymeans each designated person, or the estate of the deceased Executive, entitled to benefits, if any, upon the death of the Executive, de...