The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 changed the rules on filing for spousal benefits underSocial Security, eliminating some popular claiming strategies that once allowed couples to increase their benefits. The new law didn't, however, do away with spousal benefits entirely. If you qualify...
- The Social Security Claiming Guide Thank you for visiting Social Security Choices. We know that at one point or another all of us face the same problem: Which benefits should I collect, and when should I do it? The question of when to collect is very difficult. In fact, each year ma...
or receiving Social Security disability benefits. If your ex is entitled to retirement benefits but hasn't started them, at least two years must have passed since the divorce for you to qualify for a divorced spousal benefit.
I mentioned there's an exception to the age 62 requirement for claiming spousal benefits. If you're a spouse younger than 62 and you care for a child who qualifies for Social Security benefits on the working spouse's record, then you can receive spousal benefits at any age until the c...
spousal benefits and any benefit owed based on your own earnings record, and you’ll get paid the higher of the two. There’s a loophole for those who turned age 62 before year-end 2015, which we discuss later in thischapter, but the 2015 Budget Act closed this loophole for everybody ...
The return on waiting to claim Social Security is 'huge' "That's when all of the creative filing went away for younger [beneficiaries]," Freitag said. While it can seem complicated, two things to remember about spousal benefits in general are: ...
If you're already claiming spousal Social Security benefits or you expect to apply soon, here are two of the most significant changes to expect in 2025. Start Your Mornings Smarter!Wake up withBreakfast newsin your inbox every market day.Sign Up For Free » ...
Reports on a measure put forward by supervisor of San Francisco, California Harry Britt to extend spousal benefits programs to couples that are not involved in traditional relationships. Establishment of a panel to study spousal benefits and make recommendations; Need for the spousal benefits law to...
These rights apply only to couples living in those states who enter into a civil union. But the laws do not give same-sex couples any rights and benefits under federal law. Same-sex couples are not eligible for Social Security benefits, immigration privileges, or the marriage exemption to fed...
Survivor benefits are as much as 100% of the benefit the deceased worker was receiving when they died. If the person died before claiming benefits, the survivor benefit is based on their primary insurance amount. To qualify for the full benefit, you...