spot是什么意思 n. (名词) 地点,场所 丘疹 职位 污点,斑点,污渍 少许,少量 痣,疤,疮 <口>处境 困境 <口>聚光灯 <口>定期小节目 广告插播 【鸟】斑头鸽 【商】现货 【足】罚球点 Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre 斯波特(地球观测卫星),法国地球资源卫星 ...
spot英[spɒt]您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。美[spɑt]您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。 CET4TEM4考 研TOEFLCET6 n. 地点,场所;斑点,污点;[股票]现货;职位,职务 v. 弄上污渍,弄上斑点;污辱,玷污;认出,发现;散步 adj. 现场的;现货的;插播的 ...
g spot是什么意思 G点(女性的性敏感部位) g spot词源中文解释 同时, g-spot(G 点)一词源于1981年,缩写自 Gräfenberg spot(格拉芬伯格点),该术语是以德国妇科医生恩斯特·格拉芬伯格(Ernst Grä fenberg,1881-1957)的名字命名的,他在1950年描述了这一点。
nightspot词源中文解释 也称night spot,意为“夜总会”,起源于1936年,由 night(n.)和 spot(n.)“地方”组成。 nightspot词源英文解释 The first known use of nightspot was in 1933 nightspot 例句 1.Mag and Marie’s home, represented by an alphabet rug and a pile of laundry baskets, doubles, wi...
tosspot是什么意思 n.酒徒;醉汉 tosspot英英释义 abstract:Tosspot is a British slang insult, which can mean, depending on the context, a drunkard, a masturbator, or an objectionable person. tosspot同义词 n. 醉汉;酒徒 rumpot,drunkard tosspot词源英文解释 ...
G-spot是什么意思 n. Gräfenberg spot(格拉芬伯革点,简称G点,即女性阴道内的敏感中心); G-spot英英释义 noun a mass of tissue that is held to exist on the anterior vaginal wall and to be highly erogenous noun a mass of tissue that is held to exist on the anterior vaginal wall and to be...
flying spot_计算机行业词汇 飞[先]点,扫描点 flying spot词源英文解释 The first known use of flying spot was in 1933 flying spot 例句 1.The northern terminus of Eastern Trail ends at a beautiful, 8.78-acre waterfront park, a popular picnic and kite-flying spot. ...
spot check是什么意思 n. 抽样调查,抽查; spot check英英释义 verb transitive verb to sample or investigate quickly or at random intransitive verb to make a spot check spot check_法律行业词汇 抽查检验 spot check词源英文解释 The first known use of spot-check was in 1920 ...
hot spot词源中文解释 同时也作为 hotspot,1888年指皮肤刺激; 1931年指“夜总会”; 1938年指消防; 1941年指“国际冲突地点”。参见 hot(形容词)+ spot(名词)。 hot spot_体育行业词汇 投篮易命中地点 hot spot_化工行业词汇 热点 hot spot_地球物理学行业词汇 ...
on the spot是什么意思 释义 立刻;当场;在危险中;处于负责地位 on the spot英英释义 noun a taint on character or reputation : fault the only spot on the family name a small area visibly different (as in color, finish, or material) from the surrounding area ...