San Jose is inching toward its housing and homelessness goals, but still has a ways to go before it can shelter thousands of unhoused residents.
“I do see that the jump is very significant, and even though it’s lower than (the fee in) San Jose, San Jose is very high,” Supervisor Otto Lee, who requested the report-back, said at the meeting. Own a gun in San Jose? Get ready to pay for it His request came after critic...
(Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV, vol. 7240-72400I, San Jose, CA.TAN, H. Z., GRAY, R., SPENCE, C., JONES, C. M., AND MOHD ROSLI, R. 2009. The haptic cuing of visual spatial attention: Evidence of a spotlight ...
San Jose, CA Johnson Patio is among one of the veteran patio contractors in San Jose, CA, with years of experience in all types of patio, porch & deck construction. Pura Vida Recovery Services Santa Rosa, CA Pura Vida Recovery Services provide evidence based addiction treatment and structured...
Saudi Arabia is pumping billions into a series of mega architectural projects as the Gulf State looks to move away from its reliance on oil.
The next KABANC clinic is scheduled for April 5, 2014, from 10 am to 4 pm, at the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) offices (3003 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134). Please help spread the word, and help Ryu and KABANC fight the good fight. ...
JOSE DELGADO ZUNIGA - NOISES (个展)02.07 - 04.07Central Fine (美国 Miami Beach, FL) (20) Mind Sights (群展)02.09 - 03.06Maho Kubota Gallery (日本 Tokyo) (4)(1) Above Below - Sarah Rosalena Brady (个展)02.10 - 03.10Blum & Poe (美国 Los Angeles, CA) (7)(13) Ernst Yohji Jaeger...
Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Conference Dana Marcus Tel: (310) 563-1223 / Fax: (310) 563-1220 E-mail: Website: June 12- San Diego, 13 CA, U.S.A. LINK 16 Seminar Dana Marcus Tel: (310) 563-1223 / Fax: (310) 563-1220 ...
woman to head a major party’s presidential ticket after President Joe Biden’s ended his reelection bid. The 59-year-old Harris was endorsed by Biden on Sunday, July 21, after he stepped aside amid widespread concerns about the viability of his candidacy. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sa...
The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) is hosting its Fall Meeting, Oct. 14-16, 1999 at the Inn at Spanish Bay, Pebble Beach, CA. The meeting will focus on `The Changing Face of the Customer.' Meeting topics are How to Identify What Customers Really Want; The Changing World of Customer...