2024Wrapped Wrapped is in the app Your year in audio is waiting. Head to the mobile app to join the celebration. Open the app #SpotifyWrapped Which artist did you spend the most time with? The answer is in your Wrapped. Find out ...
Spotify 2022年听歌报告Wrapped已发布!你们的热门歌手、最爱歌曲是什么? #超能新星汇# û收藏 8 93 ñ123 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 音乐博主 超话主持人(鲍勃迪伦超话) 微博解说视频博主 头条文章作者 Ü 简介: 独立的音乐博主,没有...
What’s more, once you know where to look, finding your Wrapped playlists and stories is easy, and you can access them in different ways. There is also the possibility to listen to Wrapped playlists from previous years. In a story-like view, you can browse through your Wrapped 2022 ...
My 2022 Wrapped !Spotify 2022年单来了 0 0 2022-12-11 01:15:58 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞投币收藏分享- 必剪创作 音乐 MV cocoxu112 发消息 等等我,我先去拿个麻袋 在剪一种很新的东西 盘点2022年爆笑梗 ...
Somehow, another year has already almost come to an end, and with that, it's time to check out your 2022SpotifyWrapped report. The function has a couple of different features from what it had last year, so we'll dive into how you can see yours and what it entails. ...
2022 年締造出的精采成就吧。在這個盛大的時刻,你的粉絲想和你一起慶祝 💙 研究方式: 最受藝人歡迎的藝人:我們比較前 200 名 spotify for artists 使用者最常聆聽的藝人及非 spotify for artists 使用者 (即為一般使用者) 聆聽的藝人,這些是藝人最常聆聽但一般聽眾相對生疏的藝人。最大贏家:在 2021 年擁有...
Somehow, another year has already almost come to an end, and with that, it's time to check out your 2022SpotifyWrapped report. The function has a couple of different features from what it had last year, so we'll dive into how you can see yours and what it entails. ...
Somehow, another year has already almost come to an end, and with that, it's time to check out your 2022SpotifyWrapped report. The function has a couple of different features from what it had last year, so we'll dive into how you can see yours and what it entails. ...
Somehow, another year has already almost come to an end, and with that, it's time to check out your 2022SpotifyWrapped report. The function has a couple of different features from what it had last year, so we'll dive into how you can see yours and what it entails. ...
Somehow, another year has already almost come to an end, and with that, it's time to check out your 2022SpotifyWrapped report. The function has a couple of different features from what it had last year, so we'll dive into how you can see yours and what it entails. ...