Services likeSpotifyand YouTube Music allow you to stream music, create playlists, discover new songs, etc. Although they seem pretty much the same at first glance, there are a lot of differences between them. They may have different library sizes, offer extra content beyond music, feature dif...
接下来我们看看Youtube Music,它的设计感比Spotify要强一点,比如首页的毛玻璃效果,使用了更多的色彩来呈现。而且加入了场景化的标签来让用户有更多的选择。而它和Spotify比较一致的就是超大的标题文字使用和无分隔线的列表。 播放界面,Youtube Music加入了广告,这一点很难受,听歌还要听广告。歌手封面采用了描白边的设...
Spotify Free is the audio company’s ad-supported music streaming model, while for a monthly subscription Spotify Premium gives listeners all the features they need. For this comparison we’ll be looking at YouTube Music Premium and Spotify Premium as these most closely represent the features ...
Free Plan Comparison Spotify and YouTube Music use afreemium model, but their free plans differ significantly. While both provide access to their entire content libraries,the way you can listen to that content variesbetween the two apps. For easy reference, we’ve laid out those differences in...
collaborative playlists with friends, and even though YouTube Music does offer its year-end Recap, it pales in comparison to the frivolity ofSpotify’s highly anticipated Wrappedevent. Still, we don’t think that’s a deal breaker. Functionally, both Spotify and YouTube Music are very similar...
如果需要spotify、youtube music、apple music会员可到尾♥搜一搜沃风小站进行拼车购买,同时提供奈飞、迪士尼等流媒体平台拼车服务。 平台对比 本文挑选的国内平台分别为 Apple Music、QQ 音乐、网易云音乐和咪咕音乐。国外平台分别为 Spotify、YouTube Music 和 Tidal。由于酷狗音乐、酷我音乐与 QQ 音乐同属中国新音乐...
YouTube Music提供免费版本,为了消除广告你可以升级到Music Premium付费计划,付费会员同样可免费试听1个月。1. Music Premium:个人套餐$9.99; 学生套餐$4.99;家庭套餐(6人)$14.99如果也经常在YouTube上观看视频,可考虑直接升级购买YouTube Premium,价格只贵了$2,还能享受没有广告观看YouTube的“舒畅”感觉。 优点: ...
YouTube Music的特色在于用户可以自行上传音乐,创建专属音乐网盘和歌单,同时支持自主上传音乐视频,为用户提供了独特的音乐体验。虽然价格相对较高,但其独特功能对追求个性化音乐体验的用户具有吸引力。Tidal以其高音质和丰富的欧美Hip-Hop资源,成为音乐发烧友的首选。虽然中文歌资源有限且命名混乱,但Tidal...
只要你有 Google 帐号,就可以直接登录 YouTube Music。YouTube Music 在区域限制方面与 YouTube 相似,除了推荐内容、Premium 价格会根据地区改变外,在内容方面几乎不会受到影响。 YouTube Music 最大的特色在于用户可以自行上传音乐,创建专属的音乐网盘和歌单。你甚至可以将这些歌曲分享出去,让别的用户也能收听。同时...
The Spotify and YouTube Music apps cover computers, tablets, and smartphones. Nonetheless, the apps are designed differently and will therefore appeal to different users. Here's a YouTube Music vs. Spotify comparison for the apps and app design. Spotify The Spotify app features a dark theme w...