Spotify 正准备推出传闻已久的无损音频功能,但该公司不会采用Apple Music 的做法。Spotify 提供无损音频的概念并不新鲜。Spotify 最初被称为"Spotify HiFi",在 2021 年首次预告了这一想法,并暗示了一种名为"Supremium"的高级订阅模式。不过,Spotify 似乎已经修改了策略,转而选择了附加模式。据Reddit 用户称,这...
不过,Spotify 似乎已经修改了策略,转而选择了附加模式。 据Reddit 用户称,这项名为"Music Pro"的新功能并不是现有 Spotify Premium 服务的替代品,而是一项强大的增强功能。 "Music Pro"预计将包括多项功能。除了备受期待的无损音频(最高支持 24 位/44.1kHz FLAC 文件)外,Spotify 可能还计划整合 DJ 混音功能,让...
Spotify Duo vs Apple Music Apple Musichas always been a big competitor to Spotify and while both have their unique characteristicsApplehasn’t introduced any subscription plan similar to Spotify Duo. However, one plan that might catch your eye is the “Voice“. Apple Music subscription options Vo...
过去几个月来,关于 Spotify 将推出名为"Supremium"的更高订阅层级的传言一直不绝于耳,其功能包括人工智能播放列表工具、类似于 的收听统计以及上文提到的无损音频(也提到了 HiFi 名称的更改),每月收费 19.99 美元。鉴于 Spotify 的许多竞争对手(如亚马逊音乐和Apple Music)在发布该功能后已开始提供更高质量...
Surprisingly little, if you use the normal 96kbps sound quality. You will need to listen to music for 23.1 hours to reach 1GB of data usage. Does Spotify have parental controls? Yes, if you use Spotify Premium Family, you can quickly and easily set parental controls. ...
After months of dormancy in the Spotify rumour camp, it was awoken in March 2023 by a Reddit user who, upon cancelling his Spotify Premium account to switch to Apple Music, claims to have been sent a survey by Spotify mentioning a hypothetical premium tier called... Spotify Platinum. Hmm....
I trialed Apple Music and Tidal last year and found that Tidal had way better playlists right off the bat (although Spotify beats them both here). Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Ema...
The email explains that Apple created a Music Streaming Services Entitlement for the European Economic Area storefronts, affectingiOSandiPadOSmusic streaming apps. The entitlement allows streaming services to use external links, buttons, and calls to action to drive users to a develope...
Apple Music has since rolled lossless listening into its standard subscription price, while Amazon stopped charging extra for its lossless music library. The moves effectively kiboshed Spotify's original strategy of marketing an exclusively lossless HiFi tier. That said, it doesn't ...
Despite evidence that Apple has worked with Spotify and other competitors, Apple appears to expect that the European Commission will rule against the company based on the music competition probe.