phone number date of birth gender street address (see further details below) country university/college (for Spotify Premium Student) We receive some of this data from you e.g. from the sign up form or account page. We also collect some of this data from your device e.g. country or ...
It always fail when I try to log in with my phone number even that my phone number because that account I have premium but now I can’t sign in anymore so I have to use another account with email Reply 0 Lyubka Moderator 2023-03-10 09:57 AM Hey folks, Thank you for reachin...
If you can’t log in to the Spotify app with your username and password, you can try using a different login method. Spotify lets you sign in with different methods that include logging in with your phone number, using your Gmail account to sign in, and signing into Spotify using your F...
”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”nnIf you are having trouble finding your Spotify email, there are a few steps you can take. nnFirst, try checking the email account that you used to sign up for Spotify. If you cannot find the email in your inbox, be sure to check...
Spotify provides different login methods to sign into your account. Apart from using login credentials, you can also use any of these login methods:Continue with phone number,Continue with Apple,Continue with Google, andContinue with Facebook. So, if you get the error code 3 when logging in ...
If you're not familiar with IFTTT, our free service allows you to automate various tasks and processes between over 1000 different apps. To get started, simply head over sign up for an account. Then, connectSpotify with IFTTTusing the instructions on their website. ...
Another benefit of the subscription plans is that you getunlimited skips,whereas the free account limits your number of skips. The premium plans let youdownloadmusicto listen to anywhere. AI will randomly choose songs for free users, while paid members can choose any song to listen to. You can...
#4. Sign Up for a New Spotify Account with Facebook Alternatively, apart from following solution number three above, you cansign up for a new Spotify accountusing Facebook, which will also help you to get a custom username for your account. ...
For new users, sign up for a Spotify account. Connect your Spotify account with Spotify's Partner Provisioning Portal. Tpo do this, click "GET PREMIUM" on the portal. Complete the integration of Spotify and Starbucks verification systems. To ensure you're a Starbucks partner, provide your ...
phone number date of birth gender street address (see further details below) country university/college (if you have Spotify Premium Student) We receive some of this data from you from the sign up form or account page. We also collect some of this data from your device e.g. country or...