These could include your followers on Spotify. For example, under ‘Social’ settings you can choose to share your recently played artists and your playlists on your profile. You can also choose to create or join a shared playlist with other users. Shared playlists give you social ...
Publicar playlists en tu perfil Privacidad de las playlists y acceso a ellas Dispositivos y solución de problemas Seguridad y privacidad Empresa Acerca de Trabajos For the Record Comunidades Para artistas Desarrolladores Publicidad Inversores Vendedores Enlaces útiles Soporte técnico Reproductor web Apl...
Can I start a Jam in any playlist? Yes, however, you can start a Jam only on public playlists such as RapCaviar, Hot Country, Today's Top Hits, or your own playlists. How to join a Jam? Free & Premium users can join a Jam in person by playing on the same speaker as t...
The name displayed on the user's profile. null if not available. publicboolean The playlist's public/private status (if it is added to the user's profile): true the playlist is public, false the playlist is private, null the playlist status is not relevant. For more about public/privat...
The name displayed on the user's profile. null if not available. publicboolean The playlist's public/private status (if it is added to the user's profile): true the playlist is public, false the playlist is private, null the playlist status is not relevant. For more about public/privat...
Before viewing the basic stats on your Spotify mobile app, you must enable the ‘Recently Played Artists’ list. This feature allows you to show your recently played artists on your public profile using the following steps: From your Spotify mobile app’s home screen, tap on theSettingsicon ...
Spotify also has a social media component. You can follow your friends’ accounts to see their public playlists as well as their live listening activity, which includes the name of the playlist or album they’re listening from. If you find the idea of publishing your listening activity creepy...
Make private/make public Add to Profile Make collaborative Add to queue Share Go to radio One problem that you might encounter is when you want to make a collaborative playlist public. While new playlists that you create are going to be a public playlist by default, a playlist that you are...
Had to create a new profile from scratch, so discouraged to create playlist all over again. My music wasn't public so can't transfer. Reply 1 Alex Spotify Legend 2022-06-09 01:39 PM Hey there @Jackofnone, Thanks for reaching out about this in the Community. You can reach out...
For example, you can remove playlists from your profile, or remove a track from your playlist to request erasure of your other personal data from Spotify, follow the steps on our support page. This data includes your User Data, Usage Data and other data listed in section ‘Purposes for the...