自你订阅或最近一次重新验证学生身份之日起,只要 Premium Student 仍有效,你便可继续享受此优惠长达 12 个月。如果优惠期结束后你已不是学生身份,则不再符合 Premium Student 的使用资格。届时你的订阅项目将自动变更为月费 S$10.98 的 Premium Individual 套餐。 会向我收取多少费用?何时开始收费? 我们每月将向...
首先,创建一个 Spotify 帐户并转到 Spotify Premium 页面。向下滚动找到 Spotify Premium Student,然后单击联系我们. STEP 2。按照屏幕上的说明通过 SheerID 验证您的学生身份。 STEP 3。接下来,您还需要输入账单信息以确认订阅。 STEP 4。完成后,只需等待官方验证您的学生身份即可。这可能需要几天的时间。 一旦您的...
Premium Student Premium Studentの更新 Premium Studentの認証が上手くいかない 大学名がPremium Studentのリストにない アプリについて デバイスについて 安全性とプライバシー この内容は役に立ちましたか?はい いいえ 法人 詳細情報 仕事 For the Record コミュニティ アーティスト向け ソフトウ...
the Premium Duo plan costs US$7.99 per month, the Premium Family plan costs US$9.99 per month, the Premium Student plan costs US$2.99 per month. If you’ve never had a Premium plan before, you may be eligible for a free (or reduced rate) trial. Country restrictions and terms apply....
4. Premium Student(学生计划)●用户数量:1个 ●资格:必须是高等教育机构的注册学生 ●特点:● ...
要领取,只需访问Spotify 和 FREENOW 合作页面,点击“开始免费试用”,登录以前未使用过 Spotify Premium 的账户,即可享受 3 个月的 Spotify Premium 功能。 3. 成为 Microsoft Rewards 会员 [3 个月免费 Spotify Premium] 如果你打算加入 Microsoft Rewards 会员,不要错过 Spotify 提供的奖励!你可以获取 Spotify Pre...
Premium Student Renew Premium Student Premium Student verification not working University or college not listed for Premium Student In-app features Devices & troubleshooting Safety & privacy Was this article helpful?Yes No Need more help? Visit our help community to get answers from expert fans!Search...
That means, as long as you've passed thestudent verified on Spotifyand subscribed to its Premium Student plan, you could get access toHulu's ad-supported planwithout a penny. And if that's not enough, you will also get a free subscription toShowtime. This Spotify and Hulu bundle is one...
So what does Premium cost? Those who want to get the full Spotify experience have a few options. A standard Premium subscription sets you back £11.99 / $11.99 / AU$13.99 per month, while a student subscription is available for £5.99 / $5.99 / AU$6.99. Even better value is Spotify...