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It is a common problem for VPN users to be unable to connect to the Spotify servers, especially users of free and non-premium VPN services. The big premium VPN companies have a significant advantage over other VPN services as they have the resources to run many servers, each with hundreds ...
Help Wizard Step 1 Please select...AccountsSubscriptionsPremium for FamilyPremium for StudentsiOSAndroidDesktop (Windows)Desktop (Mac)Desktop (Linux)Car ThingYour LibraryContent QuestionsSpotify for DevelopersOther NEXT STEP Please see below the most popular frequently asked questions. ...
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Href href string A link to the Web API endpoint for this user. Id id string The Spotify ID for the user. Image images Image Image belonging to the object. Product product string The user's Spotify subscription level: 'premium', 'free', etc. (The subscription level 'open' can be co...