Students get Premium free for 1 month Only £5.99/month after. Cancel anytime. Get Premium Offer available only to students at an accredited higher education institution. Offer not available to users who already tried Premium. Spotify Student Discount Offer Terms and conditions apply. Soundtrack ...
What’s Premium Duo? Premium Duo is a discount plan for 2 people who live together. learn moreCancel anytime Cancel monthly subscription online anytime.It’s easy to get Premium Duo Join Duo by signing up or logging in with your existing account. Invite someone you live with to join Duo...
首先,创建一个 Spotify 帐户并转到 Spotify Premium 页面。向下滚动找到 Spotify Premium Student,然后单击开始申请. STEP 2。按照屏幕上的说明通过 SheerID 验证您的学生身份。 STEP 3。接下来,您还需要输入账单信息以确认订阅。 STEP 4。完成后,只需等待官方验证您的学生身份即可。这可能需要几天的时间。 一旦您的...
Once Spotify confirms your eligibility for Premium for Students, tapGet Student Discount. Does Spotify come with Hulu? If you’re in the United States, the Student tier of Spotify Premium includes access to ad-supported Hulu free of charge. This represents a savings of $8 a month, and it ...
TheseSpotifycoupons have been reported as expired or no longer working. However, it might be worth trying some of these codes, just in case you score a discount. There are currently no expiredSpotifycoupons. Why Trust Us? Nick Drewe
Premium DuoPremium Student Premium Student 續訂Premium Student Premium Student 驗證無效 未列入 Premium Student 的大學或大專院校 App 內功能 裝置與疑難排解 安全性與隱私權 公司 關於 工作 For the Record 社群 藝人專區 開發人員 廣告宣傳 投資者 供應商 實用連結 支援 網頁播放器 免費行動版 App Spotify 方案...
How much does it cost to get Spotify Premium for a year? If you want to purchase Spotify Premium, it will cost you $9.99 monthly. The student memberships cost $4.99. Some special offers and discount deals also give you the first three months of subscription for under $3.99. ...
Students get a hefty discount, paying only $5.99. Once you’ve finished college and joined the rest of us in the big wide world, Spotify will ask for more — a standard Premium subscription sets you back $11.99 a month. If you’re a Spotify-using couple (or couple of friends), you ...
As for thePremium Student, it’s a steal for anyone enrolled incollegeoruniversity. The plan offers almost all the features you can get with Premium Individual but only for$4.99/monthalong with free subscriptions toHuluandSHOWTIME. That’s almost a50%discount!
First, Spotify assumes you can only be a student for a maximum of four years. Second, you must renew your discount annually. The four-year limit means you can only renew your Spotify Premium Student discount up to three times. If you're thinking, "how will I know when my student subscr...