Select Premium plans now include 15 hours of audiobook listening time every month from our subscriber catalog of over 250,000 titles. Unused listening hours expire at the end of each month and do not carry over. Learn more about our Premium plans. Do I need a Premium plan to access audio...
Refund policy for purchased audiobook listening hours Audiobooks Subscriber Catalog Audiobooks in Premium plans Purchase Audiobooks Audiobook purchase refund policy Payments & billing Manage your account Premium plans In-app features Getting started App settings Troubleshooting Playlists Features Social features...
Spotify Premium is a digital music service that gives you access to ad-free music listening of millions of songs.
Audiobooks in Premium plans Audiobooks Subscriber Catalog Purchase Audiobook Listening time Purchase Audiobooks Audiobooks Access plan Refund policy for purchased audiobook listening hours Audiobook purchase refund policy Live events Listening privacy Devices & troubleshooting Safety & privacy ...
if you listen to a 1-hour audiobook at 2x speed, it still counts for the full hour, not just 30 minutes. And you can listen to a book more than one time, but it will count against your allotted 15 hours twice. And whatever listening time you don’t use doesn’t roll over to the...
One more little nugget — Spotify’s Premium Student plan doesn’t get any free audiobook listening time. Because why would you want students to enjoy books? So what will you find in Spotify audiobooks? The company says it has more than 70% of bestselling titles. And the 15 hours of fr...
Be everywhere, earn everywhere. Findaway Voices by Spotify is the platform for independent authors who want to unlock the world’s largest audiobook platforms.
At first glance, it might seem odd for Spotify to offer an audiobook-only tier at this price. Spotify Premium, which costs $11 per month, has the same 15 hours of audiobook listening time as well as other perks. However, audiobooks often take somewhere in the realm of between seven and...
It might seem strange at first that Spotify would charge this much for an audiobook-only tier. Along with other benefits, Spotify Premium, which costs $11 a month, offers the same 15 hours of audiobook listening time. That being said, listening to an audiobook often takes seven to eleven ...
One of the ways the streaming giant justified the price increase was the introduction of audiobook support to the platform, with premium users now getting 15 hours of audiobook listening per month. Apparently, Spotify is aware that not everybody is going to care about its audiobook offering, ...