Spotify用户流失…… 歌曲更全更多,甚至很多官方都没出音源的现场视频,它甚至可以直接从油管MV提取只播放音频,歌曲和MV一键切换。 感觉spotify扩张遇到瓶颈了,它本身就一直没盈利,依靠低价扩张的,而它的主要对手是苹果,亚马逊以及来势汹汹的谷歌。 推上看见很多人转向了YT Music,很多IU的海外粉丝。
YouTube Music’s free plan allowsad-skippingand lets you listen to your music however you want, whether on shuffle mode, in a queue, or from a playlist. In contrast, Spotify Free restricts playback to certain playlists. You can skip only six songs per hour, whereas YouTube Music offersun...
SM 更改了 Spotify、YT Music 和 QQ音乐 上 EXO - Cinderella 的音频。鼓已添加到曲中 (所以你是真的忘了是吧[微笑]) http://t.cn/A605HYt3
You can listen to YouTube Music Premium for a price of $9.99 per month. This package gives you access to all the music you need without advertising, which is downloadable offline and playable in the background (the music won’t stop if you change apps or turn off your smartphone screen...
python3 -m pip install spotify2ytmusic (Or) Running From Source (Not recommended) Another option, instead of pip, is to just clone this repo and run directly from the source. However, you will need the "ytmusicapi" package installed, so you'll probably want to use pip to install that...
原本使用Spotify付費後來親戚幫我用Youtube premium後也開始用Youtube music(兩者並行),主要是Spotify聽西洋歌曲/YT music聽日韓歌曲,但Spotify可以看歌詞跟設定睡眠定時,所以偏重Spotify Spotify 的介面和操作都比apple music 流暢 一開始使用kkbox 但是英文歌太少,跳槽到Apple Music。但是不知道為什麼很耗電 就跳到Spo...
我用Spotify…但是有些国内乐队的歌,or没有版权的歌,是没办法听的……(例如陈奕迅的3mm专辑…) 赞(18) 回应 下县城 2023-11-18 00:16:13 湖南 如果你要按专辑,按图索骥,根据音乐人的影响与被影响扩展审美,推荐你用Apple Music外区。如果你喜欢听歌单,听日推,风格涉猎和接受度广泛,推荐你用Spotify。