For now, audiobooks on Spotify can only be purchased in the Spotify Web Player, but you can listen in the app once you’ve unlocked a title. Head, find an audiobook you want to listen to, and follow the steps to check out. Then head back to the app on any devi...
For potentially big books, audio rights can sometimes sell for six-figure sums. 对于市场潜力很大的书,音频版权有时可以卖到六位数的价格。 Audiobooks have become a lucrative format for publishers. 有声读物已经成为出版商的一种非常赚钱的商品。 Digital audio grew more than 500 percent between 2013 an...
挺期待它能改进这个体验的,我很情愿一个月多花一点用它来听有声书。对于它向podcasts和audiobooks发展还是很理解的,音乐的margin太低了。单独出应用的话很难短期获得大量用户。放在一个应用的话也导致很多对博客和有声书不感冒的用户非常不满。 总体来说… 我还是赞同公司这个策略的。 阅读spotify的百科词条,里面...
选段精读 P1:In recent years, audiobooks have become a multibillion-dollar industry, with dedicated subscription services, from both big conglomerates and independent companies, driving most of this revenue.But their addition to Spotify's streaming selection marks a watershed moment. From 4 October, ...
By adding audiobooks, Spotify is aiming to attract new subscribers, and to keep existing subscribers on the platform for longer. 通过增加有声读物,Spotify的目标是吸引新的付费用户,并让延长现有付费用户留在该平台的时间。 Last fall, it began offering premium subscribers in the United Kingdom, Austral...
Nir Zicherman, who co-founded Anchor and currently leads global audiobooks, is leaving Spotify in October.
Spotify has expanded its audiobook service to other regions, giving more users access to over 300,000 audiobooks.
which you canfreelyand completely legally stream, download, and listen to them on Spotify, Deezer, and Napster. For our ranking, we take into account sales figures, ratings, and the number of fans on social media, among other factors. Here are the audiobooks that made it into theTop 51th...
Please read these Audiobook Purchase Terms and Conditions (these "Audiobook Terms") carefully as they govern your use of (which includes access to) audiobooks or other audio versions of literary works of authorship, such as books, comics, newspapers, magazines, and other audio versions of literar...
which you canfreelyand completely legally stream, download, and listen to them on Spotify, Deezer, and Napster. For our ranking, we take into account sales figures, ratings, and the number of fans on social media, among other factors. Here are the audiobooks that made it into theTop 49th...