There are no price discounts when paying bi-yearly or yearly, but you can save some money if you choose the Spotify Premium Family plan. It costs $20/month for six separate Premium accounts that can be used by family members living under the same roof. If you’re a couple, you can pa...
Let’s say your insurance plan dictates a yearly deductible of $500. This means that you have to consume this amount before your insurance provider starts covering the costs. Let’s say your first medical bill for the year is $200. Since it’s less than your deductible, you are responsibl...
Once canceled, you'll be able to keep using Premium up until the date your next payment would have been due. That means if you told Spotify you wanted out on September 3, but your membership isn't scheduled to renew until October 2, you can use it up until then, since you've alread...
After paying these stores to put up a poster of your socks on the bulletin board (because you're big enough to handle the shipping and payment processing yourself), they say either you let them process the payments for 30%, or they'll hide your sock poster in th...