Basic基础会员:1个账号可用,受限会员权益,不支持下载歌曲离线播放。目前似乎仅在韩国区提供。 对照阶梯价格,Family家庭会员人均价格最低,适合拼车订阅。 二、全球价格 上表整理了 Spotify 会员在全球市...
Family 家庭会员:6个账号可用,标准会员权益,额外提供家长设置功能。 Student 学生会员:1个账号可用,标准会员权益,需要验证学生身份,仅在部分支持验证学生身份的市场提供。 Mini 迷你会员:1个账号可用,受限会员权益,仅限在1台设备下载30首歌曲离线播放,仅在部分用户付费水平较低的市场提供。 Basic 基础会员:1个账号可...
把前者从12.99美元上调到13.99美元,后者则是15.99美元上调到17.99美元,但基本版(Basic)维持8.99美元不变;无独有偶地,音乐流媒体龙头Spotify也在周四(10/29)趁着公布财报之际,宣布已于10月上调7个市场的家庭方案(Family Plan)订阅费用。
Payments & billing Manage your account Premium plans Available plans Premium Individual Premium Student Duo plan Family plan Spotify Kids Basic plans Plan settings Premium Family Premium Duo Premium Student In-app features Devices & troubleshooting Safety & privacy ...
The new Basic Individual tier givesSpotifyusers access to its library of music for $11 a month, while the Premium Individual plan offers access to all the music as well as 15 hours of audiobook listening per month for $12. Spotify also offers a$10-per-month audiobook-only plan, which als...
Spotify announced a music-only "basic" plan without audiobooks for $1 less per month than its premium individual tier.
Family plan managers have access to 15 hours of audiobook listening time per month from our subscriber catalog of over 250,000 titles.$19.99/month. And although Spotify didn’t specifically mention it in the blog post for some reason, there’s also a Basic Duo plan for couples who don’t...
per month. Spotify's also about to launch a new Basic plan for$10.99monthly that includes all the streaming benefits. However, audiobooks are excluded from this plan. Thus,enhancing your listening experience with the audiobooks, requires upgrading the subscription to Premium Individual plan at ...
Spotify officially unveiled a music-only “basic” plan costing $10.99 that it previously teased during its Q1 earnings call. That’s $1 less than the service’s premium individual tier, which includes 15 hours of audiobook listening per month. Get weekly rundowns straight...
Spotify Free is the basic version of the service with limitations such as ads, skip restrictions, and shuffle play requirements. Spotify Premium, on the other hand, offers an enhanced experience with features like ad-free listening, unlimited skips, offline listening, and higher audio quality, but...