It is also available on plans of7 days, 3 months, and 6 months, for Rs 39, Rs 389, and Rs 719 respectively. Students will get at 50% off of Premium plans; monthly plans for students at Rs 59 Spotify Free isavailable without forced shuffle, every song available on-demand (Which is i...
Hello. I am from India and I've been using the login by phone number service for a couple of yrs. But today, everytime I try to login by my phone number, it shows the oops something went wrong message. I tried on the web app and Android app both. Same error on both. Please hel...
Zomato raises $250M and is now valued at $5.4B, two months after closing a $660M Series J; analysts: Zomato has 50% marketshare in India's food delivery market Matt Robinson /Bloomberg: SEC delists shares of Long Blockchain Corp, a former iced tea company and poster child of crypto-...
To provide a sense of the progression of Zappa’s musical ideas and development, I have arranged the tracks in chronological order, based on when they were first recorded or performed, rather than by release date, with help from the discography and timelines in this site:
1, Subscribe to this Mozart playlist:Complete Chronological Catalogue. 2, Put your Spotify in Shuffle, double click the playlist. 3, The music starts to play, do you know which piece? Can you guess it's from the early, middle or late years of Mozart's creative life? To be more specifi...
I have no plans of paying for premium or moving to the country Spotify Free thinks I belong in. My user ID is 118577912 Reply 0 milenacasro Casual Listener 2017-11-01 06:11 PM Hi, I have a premiun account in Colombia but since six months ago I'm living in Spain. Since a ...
Browse salary data from 3,000 startups for free — Click for FREE, immediate access to real-time compensation benchmarking data. Paid version helps HR automate comp reviews and communicate total compensation to employees. Refuel: LLMs can label data as well as humans, but 100x faster — Lo...
Uber Strikes Deal With Portland to Suspend Service for Three Months — Uber reached an agreement with Portland to suspend operations in the city for three months while regulators work to revise rules around taxis that currently prohibit ridesharing apps. — The city agreed to let Uber … More:...