dataTable=Document.Data.Tables["YourDataTableName"]# 创建计算列表达式 expression="Rank([Sales], \"desc\")"# 创建计算列 calculatedColumn=DataColumn.CreateCalculatedColumn("Sales Rank",expression,DataType.Integer)# 添加计算列到数据表 transformation=AddCalculatedColumnTransformation(calculatedColumn)...
You can use a IronPython script to get each Table Name, Column Name and Expression for calculated columns. myDict = {} #Loop Through All Data Tables for x in Document.Data.Tables: #Loop Through all Columns in Table for z in x.Columns: #If Column has an Expression /Is Caculated Colu...
$map("when [Column] = ${ListBoxMulti} then 'User_selected_value'", " ") else 'Default' END where ListBoxMulti is the name of my list box property. The resulting expression is (with example selections from list box): case when [Column] = 1 then 'User_selected_value' when [Column]...
那么,如何在Spotfire数据集中生成频度数据呢?方法如下:1. Insert-> BinnedColumn(分箱方法有好几种,试了一下,我还是比较喜欢第一种,即直接指定边界值的方法)2. 插入分箱列完成后,可在图表中选择该列,查看效果。 3. 如果要更改分箱方法或修改分箱参数(如边界值),可在Edit->ColumnProperties中进行修改 ...
Spotfire bug Excel file with extention name .xlsb cannot be exported to Sportfire correctly There are 2 issues after .xlsb format was imported into Spotfire as datatable:1. column type cannot be mapped correctly (String column was mapped to DateTime, vice versa)2. Data in some columns were...
–“valueProp” (column name) • Create ‘Calculated column’ “Page”: Integer((DenseRank([Team])-1)/${teamsPrPageProp}+1) • Custom expression on X-axis: {selectedPage},[Player Name],"") as [Player Name]> • Custom expression on Yaxis: if([Page]=${selectedPage},$esc(${...
should be handled. You can either add the word “Normalized” to the column name of the original columns or use the expression (normalization equation) as a column name. If you have selected to replace columns, you will also get a third option where you can keep the current column names....
Solution 1: To obtain the desired result, you can utilize a simple regular expression (regex) that eliminates everything preceding and including the final slash. Solution 2: Since you are dealing with file paths, another option is to employ the GetFileName function. Solution 3: Another approach...
name can be set with "[custom expression] as [display name]" syntax as below myVis.Details.Items.AddExpression("SUM([Column C]) as [C]"); # Insert a tooltip as Image from URL: tooltipItem = myVis.Details.Items.AddExpression("First([Image URL Column]) as [Pic]"); tooltipSettings...
name can be set with "[custom expression] as [display name]" syntax as below myVis.Details.Items.AddExpression("SUM([Column C]) as [C]"); # Insert a tooltip as Image from URL: tooltipItem = myVis.Details.Items.AddExpression("First([Image URL Column]) as [Pic]"); tooltipSettings...