The refund order ID in the partner system. If the merchant initiates the refund request on the Alipay website, this parameter is to be filled with an automatically generated number by Alipay. Example:301012133000002 refund_status String(64)Required ...
SPOT ON 89630 Hilltop Room 2等级(最高为5等级) 12, Jalan Song Thian Cheok, 古晋市中心, 古晋, 马来西亚, 93100-查看地图 入住受Sanitised Stays标准认证,且提供房内免费 Wi-Fi的住宿,享受完美古晋行。 住宿位于古晋市中心的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 作为额外福利,住宿设有店内餐厅,超方便!
In addition, any service providers Etwok may use to serve and host advertisements may use session or persistent cookies to track the number of times the Website is accessed and whether the Website was accessed via an ad. There are no automatically-placed cookies within these ads, a cookie ...
Quickly and efficiently spot attendees using their phone number or email to offer the option of instant delivery of all the event photos they appear in. SpotMyPhotos™ is an advanced photo sharing platform that enables true zero-click private photo sharing, providing seamless photo access in con...
Having downloaded mobile VPN application VPNTunnel, you will be able to change your IP and unblock any content on the Internet, which is unavailable for you because of your location. Just imagine! You can visit your favorite sites an unlimited number of times. ...
3.2 Partners. We may share your personal data with trusted HubSpot partners to: (i) contact you based on your communication preferences; (ii) help us perform statistical analysis; (iii) provide sales support; (iv) provide customer support; and (v) to improve our partner programs and Subscrip...
Toggle the switch on to receive email notifications to your inbox. Please note: users will not receive more than 1,000 email notifications, per notification type, per day. When a notification has been sent 1,000 times in the same day, to the same email address, any additional sends will ...
HubSpot's connected platform enables you to grow your business faster by focusing on what matters most: your customers. Get a demo to learn about our premium software, or get started with our full suite of free tools and upgrade as you grow. Get a demo of HubSpot's customer platform ...
and number of form submissions, but the contact's information will no longer appear. To perform a permanent deletion in HubSpot, you must have Permanently delete contacts permissions. You don't need to have data privacy settings turned on to perform a permanent delete. Perform a permanent ...
Jackson module that adds support for serializing and deserializing Google'sProtocol Buffersto and from JSON. Usage Maven dependency To use module on Maven-based projects, use following dependency: <dependency> <groupId>com.hubspot.jackson</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-datatype-protobuf</artifactId...