The Oscar-winning animated film begins streaming tonight, about a young man who loses his mother in a hospital fire then meets a mysterious bird (Max). The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Controversial reality show—about a swingin’ bunch of Mormon hottie wives (below) and social media “influe...
Asking Eric: My daughter didn’t invite my sister to her wedding, now the family has disowned me Asking Eric: After 7 years, my partner says he’s still unsure about kids and marriage Latest 9m Wink Martindale talks Ohio State win: ‘We just physically outplayed ‘em’ ...
A much better video remembering Rocky and some great trivia from Wikipedia and me. The great broadcaster, Curt Gowdy in his 15th and final season as a Red Sox broadcaster (maybe it is considered 14 as he missed 1957) is not too excited but still more than professional, calling Rocky’s ...
"WagerTalk" WagerTalk Today - Free Sports Picks - NHL & College Basketball Predictions Tonight - Mar 1 (Podcast Episode 2023) - Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more...
(Some unrelated trivia: The title of this episode comes from its original script, which featured a running gag in which Isaac was attempting to recall the lyrics to the title song. When Gulliaume had his stroke, he was hastily written out of the episode, but that showtune thread was ...
A few Homecoming-related trivia items: Saturday’s contest will be The Citadel’s 92nd Homecoming game (overall record: 47-42-2) It will be the first time Mercer has been the opponent; the Bears are the 18th different school to be featured in that role The Citadel’s first Homecoming op...
Lawrence O’Donnell tonight “We are watching live coverage of the total collapse of the Elon Musk Donald Trump partnership in government in the House.”.” Schadenfreude is bad, right? Oh who am I kidding? – – This Musk-Trump fiasco, before they are even inaugurated, is as if an NFL...
The melodramatic introduction became a national catch phrase that is often heard to this day. While "the thrill of victory" had several symbols over the decades, ski jumper Vinko Bogataj, whose dreadful misjump and crash of March 21, 1970 was featured from the early 1970s onward under the ...
They also had some fun draws with trivia for patrons while they watch the Buffalo Bills game. The food was awesome. We had chicken, wings, burgers, salmon, onion rings, and their specialty fries. Their in-house blue cheese sauce was dynamite ! We had a great time...
Additional notes: –I include games streamed by and Fox Sports Go; they are denoted as “ESPN3″ and “FS-Go”, respectively. This season, I will also list streamed games for NBC Live Extra and CBS Sports Digital. –I also list digital network feeds provided by various confe...