Sports in United States SportsintheUnitedStates SportsintheUnitedStatesareanimportantpartoftheUnitedStates'culture.However,thesportingcultureoftheU.S.isdifferentfromthatofmanyothercountries.Comparedtoanyothernation,Americanspreferauniquesetofsports.Forexample,soccer,themostpopularsportintheworld,isnotaspopularint...
SportsIntheUnitedStates PresidentGeorgeW.BushposesforaphotowithU.S.OlympicswimminggoldmedalistMichaelPhelpsduringhisvisitSunday,Aug.10,2008totheNationalAquaticCenterinBeijing,wherePhelpswonhisfirstOlympicgoldmedalinthemen's400meterindividualmedley.SportsintheUnitedStatesisanimportantpartofAmericanculture.Thefourmost...
College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. Most of them earn millions (2) as well, in television revenues, sponsorships. They also benefi...
其他选项搭配分别为:compete for sth.; compete in a race; compete. over sth.。 结果四 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. ...
选项[A]in principle表示“原则上”;选项[B]in confidence表示“私下里”;选项[C]in name表示“名义上”。 结果一 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars ...
其他选项:[A]compete for sth.[B]compete in a race和[D]compete over sth.均属搭配不当。 结果一 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to...
其他选项搭配分别为:compete for sth.; compete in a race; compete. over sth.。 结果四 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. ...
其他选项搭配分别为:compete for sth.; compete in a race; compete. over sth.。 结果四 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. ...
其他选项搭配分别为:compete for sth.; compete in a race; compete. over sth.。 结果四 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. ...
其他选项搭配分别为:compete for sth.; compete in a race; compete. over sth.。 结果四 题目 College sports in the United States are a huge deal. Almost all major American universities have football, baseball, basketball and hockey programs, and (1) millions of dollars each year to sports. ...