Cattedra Unesco “Educazione Alla Salute E Allo Sviluppo Sostenibile”, University Federico II, Naples, 80131, Italy Annamaria Colao & Giovanna Muscogiuri Department of Kinesiology and Public Health Education, Hyslop Sports Center, University of North Dakota Grand Forks, Grand Forks, ND, 58202, USA...
"L’indicazione, qualora si volesse edulcorare il sapore classico dello yogurt, è quello di scegliere in partenza uno yogurt bianco al quale aggiungere della frutta fresca così che l’apporto di zuccheri si accompagni a quello di fibre, migliorandone l’impatto con la sal...
Popularity Contest –If you’re a freelancer, it can be difficult to achieve a very important goal en route to becoming a successful writer: Building an audience. These days you can do this via Facebook with some intriguing posts and corresponding “Likes.” But I recommend starting your own...
When the Whole World Went Crazee, not least the Black Country four-piece’s late ‘60s emergence on the London scene, with the Gunnell brothers then Chas Chandler managing ‘As you know, they were sort of removed from the scene, but there was an association, you know – all the people...
From Test to Contest: An Analysis of Two Kinds of Counterpoint in Sport. J. Philos. Sport 1975, 2, 23–30. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Morgan, W.J. Broad Internalism, Deep Conventions, Moral Entrepreneurs, and Sport. J. Philos. Sport 2012, 39, 65–100. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]...