Tuition Fee and Scholarships More Programs Program overview Main Subject Sports-related Courses Degree BSc Study Level Undergraduate On this Sport and Exercise Science aims to equip students for career in the industry. In the first year of this degree, students will cover the fundamental prin...
Amber University of Lincoln Sport and Exercise Science - BSc (Hons) I previously studied A levels: business, biology and BTEC sport at sixth form. I am currently studying sport and exercise science and am 2nd year. After graduating I am thinking about either studying a masters in Physiotherap...
Unit 7: Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise Unit code: A/502/5630 QCF Level 3: BTEC National Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain an understanding of fitness testing and the importance of health sc...
Increasingly, research has explored such impacts on holistic athlete development. A recent mixed methods systematic review [8] highlighted there are a multitude of immediate, short- and long-term positive (e.g. physical development, more stable levels of general health and well-being, status/popula...
Applied Sport Science is the study of human responses to sports. This involves the application of scientific principles to the promotion, maintenance and enhancement of sport and exercise-related behaviours. Our programme is centred on four key disciplines: ...