1 ENTRIES FOUND: spore(noun) spore/ˈspoɚ/noun pluralspores Britannica Dictionary definition of SPORE [count]biology :a cell made by some plants that is like a seed and can produce a new plant moldspores
(Biology) the nontechnical name forsporangium Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 spore′ case` n. a structure containing spores; sporangium. ...
,Biology. a fertilized egg within an oogonium. Discover More Other Words From o·o·spor·ic[oh-, uh, -, spawr, -ik, -, spor, -],o·os·por·ous[oh-, os, -per-, uh, s, oh-, uh, -, spawr, -, uh, s, -, spohr, -],adjective ...
Basic Biology of Oral Microbes InAtlas of Oral Microbiology, 2015 Thesporeis a small round or oval body that forms in bacteria due to cytoplasmic dehydration under unfavorable conditions (Figure 1.8(A)). It is surrounded by multiple membrane layers and has low permeability. Only gr...
planospore [plan-uh-spawr,-spohr] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,Biology. a zoospore. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofplanospore1 First recorded in1945–50;plano-2+spore
Adapting Yilmaz's (2008, p.36) definition of learner-centred learning, GBL "urges learners to actively construct meaning and understanding during every phase of the learning process". In other words, it serves as a means to achieve learning outcomes in the constructivist learning theory tradition...
In addition, “spora” is the root for “sporadic” which extends the Greek meaning of “sowing” to conjure the notion of an aimless toss of seed, without any specific pattern. Hence, a sporadic disease has no known cause, and no discernible pattern of occurrence (e.g., neither genetic...
Phrased more precisely, oils, which contain primarily nonpolar hydrocarbon bonds, are immiscible with aqueous solutions, meaning they will not spontaneously dissolve in water, which consists of highly polar hydrogen-oxygen bonds. Instead, oils willtend to form a film over polar solvents, while ...
the term protoplast meaning a plant cell from which the cell wall has been removed. We have found that spore-protoplasts can be fused and regenerated to whole plants, in contrast to protoplasts derived from vegetative cells of the plants, which either cannot be regenerated or upon regeneration ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook zoosporeor swarm spore any of the motile, flagellatedSPORES(asexual cells) found, for example, in green and brown algae and in theOOMYCOTA. They are produced within aSPORANGIUM. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J...