Je viens d'acheter l'extension de Spore (Aventure Galactique) sur origin et je n'arrive pas à le lancer. Voilà ce que ça me met comme alerte : "Could not find the Data directory, we cannot run. [1004]". J'ai déjà désinstallé et ré-installer, ça n'a rien changé. J'...
Browse, find, download, comment on, and rate all the published creations made by players. View more on TypeTopicRepliesLast Reply Spore servers STILL down (mid oct. 2015) by SnowmanDK 12 Last Reply: March 2020 Freggi-Liz ...
找个破解版的补丁 替换文件就可以了 没有可以留邮箱 电驴上就能下 就是这个 点开CHARK文件 把里面的内容复制到文件就行 发过去了 注意查收!
Spore: Creature Creator: One of Spore's most touted and talked about features is how it leverages user-created content to populate the countless planets within the Spore universe. The Spore team accomplishes this by putting powerful and easy-to-use tools